According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to consider the spiritual significance of food.
Spiritual foods, when eaten at the right time, along with certain blessings and rituals, create a powerful resonance in the universe. Used for over 3000 years to mark a nation of slaves celebrating freedom, Matzah is one of the most powerful spiritual foods on the planet.
Whether you have been eating matzah for the past 6 days, or not, do not miss the opportunity to activate the power of the seventh day. Drop into the story. Imagine yourself as a slave, trapped by the edge of the Sea, cry out for help, and then, at midnight on Tuesday, see the Sea split before your eyes, and cross over to the other side of your greatest fear, completely free from whatever is chasing you.
Connect to the Source of all miracles, and the power of this this seven day process to spiritually re-energize your life. Digest the consciousness of matzah and its ancient wisdom.
However, a word of caution from this week’s torah portion; careful not to get too enthusiastic with. your spiritual access, or to make up your own spiritual rituals, at the risk of being burned… literally.
There is a structure to spiritual freedom.
Commit to a conscious relationship with all eat… in the coming year. Here’s a practical list that still applies until today. Like Matzah.
Take a piece of Matzah and hold it in your hands.
Look at it as if you have never seen a piece of matzah before, and slowly bring into your awareness that this matzah has been eaten, ritualistically, by a certain group of people, for the last 6 days without pause.
Then bring into your awareness the true fact that a group of people around the world have been ritualistically eating this bread for seven days, during a specified time each year, for over 3000 years.
Take the matzah in your hands, make a blessing and tap into the power of the practice.
Imagine connecting back through your parents, or grandparents as far back as you can go… to the original eaters of matzah. (if you parents didn’t keep the practice, connect through the ancestors of your teachers).
Then bring your attention back to the 6 days that have just passed.
Bring your attention to your own spiritual cleansing process
Tap into the vibration that has opened around us as a result of this practice.
What have you cleared out of your system with the matzah?
What do you want to still clear out of your system in this last day?
What do you want to bring in with all this clarity?
Focus your final day of Matzah and digesting a healthier future into your body and our collective world.