Passover, Special.
Did you do it?
Did you obey your specific spiritual orders?
Did you bite into a piece of matzah?
Did you taste the consciousness of surrender?
Keep on eating.
We are within a 7-8 day spiritual cycle designed to achieve a deeper sense of embodied liberation. With each bite of flat bread continue to affirm yourself as an active participant in your personal awakening. The energy culminates with Friday’s Rebirth Moon, use this consciousness wisely to clear any lingering or limiting beliefs about yourself or this world.
Expect to face a tremendous range of emotions during this process-based liberation (as opposed to instantaneous or messianic transformation). What toxic or oppressive thoughts still chase you? What behaviors or people threaten to pull you back? Sense deeply into the areas in your life where you still feel trapped.
Cross the Sea of Fear with this Sabbath’s moon, and embrace the God Logic of the long way around. Only when the path back is washed away, can freedom enter. (Otherwise there is always the temptation to run back - even if the relationship was terrible. )
The Torah’s narrative cycle is interrupted to focus practitioners entirely on the God Logic of unfolding. Instead of continuing the cycle of narrative, practitioners re-read the chapters called B’Shalach, translated as Get Out, which focuses on the supernatural intervention that fought on behalf of an enslaved people.
Getting out is not the same as getting free - As anyone that has ever tried to end a relationship or release a memory will tell you.
Sense into your personal Egypt. After a year interrupted by the pandemic, how are you still bound to an idea about the person or life you thought you were supposed to live?
The process invites all aspects of your ego to be challenged, we will keep reading this story, and doing this practice until we begin to accept the oneness in it all.
In order to better understand the wholeness of a picture, try identifying with each archetype in the story and see what awareness awakens.
1) PHAROAH— Do you have Pharoah Heart Syndrome? Where in your life do you agree to let go, and then suddenly change your mind when letting go feels too hard to do? Is the hardening of your heart coming from you or a consciousness larger then your own? What do you still have to learn?
2) THE EGYPTIANS — Where you are part of an army of thought that unconsciously follows orders? Will you chase down others simply because you are commanded? How do you trust the source of those orders?
3) THE HEBREWS —- Experience the thrill of liberation, and the pride of being saved…. only to be chased by people or ideas that won’t easily let you go, even after you are out. What kind of miracle would it take to believe you are safe from the past (consciousness) that haunts you?
4) MOSES — Summon the courage to pass through the process like Moses, in full faith and connection throughout. What might that connection feel like?
Wherever you land in this process, trust in the rebirthing to get you to the other side. May we all cross the sea of consciousness into a healthier, more connected, trusting and enlightened version of our former self. May we leave our oppressive fears behind, and receive the full benefit of this ancient tradition.
Sending all my love to you for a safe transition, see you on the other side (of the Sea of Awe).