For anyone that is feeling sadder, more confused, less focused or energetic than usual, trust your discomfort as a sign of spiritual alignment. We are in the 3 week period of summer that marks the destruction of the temples and the absence of divine presence in Jerusalem and the entire world. This year’s downer energy is amplified by the growing social divide erupting across the holy land, (and the planet), making a lot more to be sad about than usual.
Allow your feelings, if ever there was a time of mourning, this is it. You are not alone.
This week’s Torah Omens invite us to affirm the power of our word, and to trust that our vows are as binding as God’s.Take time this week to review any commitments you have made that have gone unfulfilled, and look for places of attachment to the thing(s) that have gotten you into trouble, and do your best to let go.
Additionally this is a favorable time for negotiation and expansion - when done with complete integrity.
And finally, this week carries the energy of vision and clear boundaries. As the Israelites stand at the river of Jordan, ready to enter the land, Moses reviews the journey the Israelites have undertaken and defines the boundaries of the land. This people is not meant to conquer the world, but a specific designated region. Note how far you have come, and what steps you have taken to get to this exact moment in your life. Know what is yours, and work on that. Clear out distraction (false gods and other practices), and prepare to inhabit what is yours. If you don’t, expect negative consequences.
And last thing, for the ladies, if you have made an advance, as the 5 daughters of Tzlofchad did, don’t be surprised when the men of your tribe try to overthrough it. Tale as old as time….
Wherever you are in the world this Shabbat, take time this week to review all the stops you have made to get you to this exact moment in time. Be sure to acknowledge any supernatural or miraculous coincidences that have gotten you to move from one place to another, and the uniqueness of each place.