

If there is one thing we know for certain it is that the Torah LOVES justice. Judges must be completely impartial, witnesses must be completely reliable, leaders must be completely knowledgeable in these ways of torah (spiritual alignment), and the entire Israeli society must be structured to sweep evil from its midst. 

Chase absolute justice, and you will be secure in the God given land of Israel. Practice this justice, and when you go to war, you will win your battles.

However, if you don’t sweep out evil completely, if you let corruption persist, if you follow false prophets (leaders that take your away from the practice of unity and ONENESS), don’t be surprised when people literally set fire to the streets of Israel (ironically in the name of ‘justice’ during a time of war).

This week’s energy invites us all to WAKE UP and use this month of Elul, the time of deep introspection and self review, to make a deep change in ourselves and the jewish consciousness as a whole. We cannot descend into civil war and survive. We cannot repeat the conditions that allowed Oct. 7th to happen.

The Torah is clear. To live in this land, to achieve the peace we all so desperately want, you must be wholehearted with God, you must choose to live in peace with your fellow jew, and within yourself. Period.


When you go

