Sarah’s Life


If this week has felt sadder, heavier, sleepier, and slower than other weeks you are not alone.

This week, as thousands of families across Israel mark the 30 day anniversary since their loved ones were violently murdered by Hamas terrorists, and the reality of the loss begins to sink in, the Torah energies are also filled with the heaviness of untimely death. 

While Abraham passed his test without requiring the death of his beloved Isaac, the spiritual initiation was not without loss and subsequent sadness.  According to the Midrash, the soul of Sarah, the first mother and fiercest defender of the jewish people, flew out of her body when she heard the news of the Akedah (the binding of her only son, and inheritor of God’s spiritual heritage, for ritual sacrifice) and she died. 

Awakening has casualties.

More than anyone in the entire Torah, Sarah’s life holds the essential lesson for the Jewish people. She was the first to understand and assert the importance of maintaining strong, clear boundaries, unapologetically intolerant of any bullying —  a consciousness that we in Israel have been forced to digest in the most gruesome way.

This week, as Abraham buys the land in Hebron for his beloved wife, and lays Sarah’s bones to rest. Take time to feel our ancient and current loss, aware that the energy is directing us to mourn AND THEN continue forward. 

This week’s Torah Energy carries the essential message of life after loss. After burying his wife, Abraham almost immediately sends his disciple to find a wife for his son Yizchak. And upon first sight of his bride Rivka, Yizchak’s pain is soothed and the feeling of love is recorded for the first time the torah. 

Here in Israel weddings feel as common as funerals, and there is a deep calling to fill the painful void and bring light and new life into our nation. Even Abraham is also able to move on, remarrying and fathering six more children before his peaceful death, closing the torah energy of the week with a message of hope.

This week marks Yizchak and Ishmael peacefully burying their father Abraham together, in Hebron next to Yizchak’s mother Sarah. If peaceful coexistence and healing is possible at the spiritual root, take courage that we too can attain those states of being today.

Let’s learn from Sarah’s legacy that sometimes separation is necessary to live side by side, in peace, separate and together.


(in addition to getting married, having babies, aggressively engaging in matchmaking for your friends…)


Be sure to clear your energy daily. Take time to imagine yourself surrounded by Golden light or Source Energy. Breathe that energy into your body, imagining it filling your heart, lungs, organs and limbs, visualizing it filling you completely and removing any lingering fear or sadness as you breath out.

Remember — the void that was created through terror must be filled, both within ourselves, our country, our nation and our world. BE SURE TO FILL THE VOID with positive thoughts, prayers and energy. Your attention continues to be essential for our spiritual survival.


If you are having trouble finding the light during these times, or feel ready to enhance it….

LIGHT two candles at sunset this Friday night.

As you light your candles, and connect the name of the divine with that light, imagine filling yourself, your household, and the entire nation with that extra layer of golden light that comes into the world on Friday night. See it pouring into your body, home, and community like fine a golden honey, coating any pain, hurt or sadness. Allow yourself to spend the entire 25 hours of Shabbat basking in that holy energetic field, replenishing yourself, allowing yourself to heal any parts that are hurting, scared or feeling lost.

When you feel ready, send that feeling of positive energy out to anyone that needs it, families that are grieving, soldiers that are defending, hostages and their families that are, please god, breathing. Send that divine consciousness out to anyone that needs it.

Our power is in our light (our consciousness), and the gift of our renewal is our Shabbat.

For all those that are able, I encourage you to take full advantage of your birthright and direct access to divine light - and keep sending that light (consciousness) out to all those that need it right now.

Shabbat Shalom.

Love to us all.


The Story


To See/To Fear/To Awe